When doves cry

After many months of finishing the PhD, I finally get to go outside again.

I've been spending time at sea and around the coasts. Here are some recent snapshots taken during or after work at sea...


Greylag goose Rude Boyz

Lesser black-backed gull with broken leg

Grey seal

<a href=\"https://www.karlvanginderdeuren.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/KAR7866.jpg\">Garfish portret

Sprat with two Lernaeenicus sprattae parasites. These parasitic copepods (red) carry two egg sacs each (blue) and survive on sprat tissue and fluids.

This pigeon hit the side of the ship (probably exhausted) and stumbled into the water.

<a href=\"https://www.karlvanginderdeuren.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/KAR7987.jpg\">Moments after, gulls noticed this, and moved in for the kill.

Macho macho men, dropping by.