Simon says: me pirate you ship

The past weeks I got the chance to board the brand new Flemish research vessel Simon Stevin.

Simon Stevin (1548 – 1620) was a Flemish mathematician and military engineer, active in a great many areas of mathematical science. He also translated various mathematical terms into Dutch, making it one of the few European languages in which the word for maths wiskunde (\"the art of what is certain\"), was not derived from Greek.

Yes, I looked this up online...

Anyhow: RV Simon Stevin is up and running and is one of the most silent ships in the European research fleet... It measures 36x9,4m, has a draft of 3,5m and is equipped with almost all of the technological equipment one can imagine.

Something to be proud of

<a href=\"\">Zodiac entering the mother vessel

Put it in gear, let's go plankton trawling

Nice atmosphere on deck