Finally some action??

hi Y'all,

Finally some action. I hope to be back for good.

This weekend I went to look for a very rare butterfly refound last year in Belgium (after several decades of absence): Bretons spikkeldikkopje / Oberthür's Grizzled Skipper / Pyrgus armoricanus.

Four hours of searching yielded no results for us. But we were very happy to take good images of other species...

Briza media early morning

First butterfly: Ocellate Bog Fritillary (Boloria eunomia / Ringoogparelmoer)


Marbled White (Melanargia galathea / dambordje) on field cow-wheat (wilde weit)


Hey there baby, seen the length of my tongue?


Beautiful rose patterns


A bad boy was eating our dragonflies...

Who is there???

Hello mister Pearly Heath (Coenonympha arcania / tweekleurig hooibeestje)



Late evening bog fritillaries