Every time we walk along the shore...

<span style=\"font-family: georgia,bookman old style,palatino linotype,book antiqua,palatino,trebuchet ms,helvetica,garamond,sans-serif,arial,verdana,avante garde,century gothic,comic sans ms,times,times new roman,serif;\">...some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war.<span style=\"font-family: georgia,bookman old style,palatino linotype,book antiqua,palatino,trebuchet ms,helvetica,garamond,sans-serif,arial,verdana,avante garde,century gothic,comic sans ms,times,times new roman,serif;\"> ~ Loren Eiseley

<span style=\"font-family: georgia,bookman old style,palatino linotype,book antiqua,palatino,trebuchet ms,helvetica,garamond,sans-serif,arial,verdana,avante garde,century gothic,comic sans ms,times,times new roman,serif;\">

During the past week I never lost sight of the Sea, which is a good thing.

Here you'll find some images shot along the way during a sampling campaign as well as in the port of Rotterdam, where I took an offshore training course together with my colleague Jan.

During the ILVO fishing campaign we measured horizontal and vertical trawl opening with these high-tech Scanmar devices.

The net fished allright. But only jellyfish were brought to the surface.

The weather was good, which allowed three of us to be the first to swim from the Simon Stevin. Diving into the high seas in your boxers... What a kick it was indeed.

Afterwards the crew performed abandon ship training in survival suits. Notice the C power windmills (on the nearby Thornton bank) in the background.

Following, we moved to the port of Rotterdam for a training course.

At first, we only noticed the heavy metal that was around us. Impressive none the less! Always nice to photograph big subjects standing still.

Pano of 15 images producing very good resolutions...

<a href=\"https://www.karlvanginderdeuren.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/KAR_0916.jpg\">All sorts of metal were to be found

But then we started noticing all the ecological compensation the Dutch have undertaken whilst building their Maasvlakte 2 (creating completely new land by sand nourishment). There really was beauty amongst these metallic beasts.

<a href=\"https://www.karlvanginderdeuren.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/KAR9488.jpg\">30 000 gulls nest in the port.

<a href=\"https://www.karlvanginderdeuren.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/KAR_0717.jpg\">Gull chick

Beautiful patches among the industry

Ow yes LORD, I have seen the LIGHT!