
Two weeks ago, I made an accidental stop at the infamous Hallerbos near Brussels. Luckily I had my camera with me. Year after year I had been telling myself “pffff everybody goes there, do something else man”. Yet, upon arrival I was really dazzled! I can imagine this beech dominated woodland is quite monotonous the rest of the year, but in April and May it is well worth the detour. It quickly became clear I was not the only one thinking that, they even put op special signs for photographers.

This blue and green fairy wood has been a crowd puller long before it featured in the Wild Wonders of Europe book. And if I’m honest, I think many Belgian photographers have taken far better pictures there than the one in the book.

examples are <a href=\"\">here, <a href=\"\">here and <a href=\"\">here

Missed that one on the way in

nice trail

Common bluebells (boshyacinten). What makes this wood so well-known.

I climbed a tree in order to take a picture that had not been taken 10 000 times before (with 70-200mm)